Greater Houston Builders Association Builders Rebuild Homes Impacted by Harvey
[email protected]
+1 (409) 768-0118
Greater Houston Builders Association Builders Rebuild Homes Impacted by Harvey
[email protected]
+1 (409) 768-0118
About BuildAid
BuildAid is a partnership between DIY Garage Door Parts, HomeAid Houston, a 501 c 3 charity of the Greater Houston Builders Association (GHBA), and the Association's builder members that was created to assist homeowners impacted by the historic flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey in August 2017.

Over 100,000 homes in the Houston area were impacted and an estimated 85% of families and individuals did not have flood insurance.
What BuildAid Does
The goal is to get these families back into their homes as quickly as possible. Once a family or individual is pre-qualified, BuildAid taps into the strength and experience of the GHBA to get builders on site to begin construction management. Remodeling and restoration of the home is expedited and designed to be cost -efficient.
About HomeAid Houston
HomeAid Houston identifies long term, stable homeless care providers who need additional capacity and pairs them with GHBA builders, vendors and suppliers who donate their time, materials and labor to help build transitional homeless shelters. HomeAid is currently celebrating its 15 year anniversary and the completion of 50 projects.
After the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, HomeAid answered the question that many were asking, "What needs to happen next?"and BuildAid was launched.
Where To Start
An easy application, design and construction process gets you back into your home with an efficient, quality rebuild.

Make Application

If you are a homeowner who flooded and you had no flood insurance (FEMA recipients are eligible), fill out the form below, email or call us to request an application.

[email protected]
How it Works

  • Your application will be reviewed.
  • You will be notified within 3 - 5 business days with a decision.
Initiating Construction
  • A BuildAid construction partner will meet you at your home and view the property.
  • Pre-set finish options will be provided for you to choose from.
  • You will receive a construction quote and a contract.
  • The signed contract initiates the rebuilding process.
You're Back Home Again

After remodeling and construction, you will be asked to walk through your home to ensure details are finalized. You can then move in again and you are home for good!
Our Builder Partners
Contact Us
Please fill out the form below to contact us with questions or to request an application.

The applicant must meet the following requirements to be eligible for the BuildAid Program:
Home Value: ~$120k - $375k
Household Area Median Income (AMI) below: 175%

Ex. 4 Person Annual Household Limit: $125,125
Primary Residence | Outside 100-yr Flood Plain

    Your name
    Address, City, State
    Zip Code
    Neighborhood Name
    Household Total Annual Income
    Number of Persons Living in Household
    Your email
    Your phone
    How did you hear about us?
    Describe the current condition of your home
    By clicking submit you agree to our Privacy Policy and allow BuildAid or its Partners
    to contact you related to your home rebuild request.
    Phone: +1 (409) 768-0118
    E-mail: [email protected]
    BuildAid Houston
    9511 West Sam Houston Pkwy N
    Houston, Tx 77064
    BuildAid is a partnership between HomeAid Houston and the Greater Houston Builders Association.